This Just In…

2022 was a problematic year (seems like I say that about every year!), and one of the issues was my website hit a glitch and crashed from May until just now (Jan 19, 2023). But we’re back, baby! I relied on my general music website to announce events and projects, but now I’ll have up-to-date content on both sites. I hope this is helpful to my community. It’s hard to know what works best in this confusing cyber world, so I’m trying it all: I have calendar dates, blogs, new videos & music offerings, and I throw them out to the four winds on social media, as well as YouTube, Patreon, and anywhere else people might graze for content. I hope some of it reaches you, and if you’re reading this, then at least I know is getting some views.

Please let me know what you’d like more of… live music events, music recordings and videos, cultural commentary, lessons, workshops, or just photos of sunsets and beaches. I’ll get right on it!