Paul Klemperer plays Wheatsville
Paul Klemperer brings his music to Wheatsville's winter festivities. Jazz and more, in a cooperative setting. Wheatsville Coop. 3101 Guadalupe, Austin, TX. 11:30am-12:30pm
Paul Klemperer brings his music to Wheatsville's winter festivities. Jazz and more, in a cooperative setting. Wheatsville Coop. 3101 Guadalupe, Austin, TX. 11:30am-12:30pm
On Pop Stars and Biscuits Recently a young woman of the American persuasion induced me through blatant coquettery to listen to her favorite song in her ipod rotation. Her bright…
Paul plays with Slim Ritchie, Francie Mojo & the gang at Hyde Park Grill South this Sunday, 7-9pm. Swing jazz.
Learning To Play In All 12 Keys. A Practice Tip For Beginning To Intermediate Players. Every instrument has keys that are mechanically easier to play in than others. Also keeping…
Paul Klemperer draws on his background in ethnomusicology, sociology and 30 years of professional performance to present informative and entertaining workshops, lectures and group classes on a variety of topics…
Paul Klemperer teaches individual lessons at the Austin School of Music Monday-Wednesday. He also teaches at his studio & makes house calls by appointment. He has extensive background in classical…
Paul K's duo jazz is the feature at the wonderful French restaurant La Maison in Georgetown, TX. 6-9pm.
Paul Klemperer hosts Kickbutt Jazz Jam. Kickbutt Coffee, 5775 Airport blvd. 8-11pm.
The last Tuesday of each month, Paul hosts a straightahead high energy jazz jam. It al happens at the Victory Grill in east Austin, from 9-11pm. Beer & wine available.…
Paul leads My Exotic Other onto the airwaves for a guest spot on KEYE channel 42, television in Austin.